know before you go

Remote work needs reliable internet

Use Netoly to know before you go...
1. Create a Netoly test link
2. Send the link to the host
3. Get the results before booking

Our mission is to remove the uncertainty from your (& our) workation booking... the web app is free!

We've all been there

You arrive at the perfect place only to be fighting with unusable internet.

Next time, try Netoly

The remote work experience does not have to be frustrating. Next time, learn about the hosts internet quality before you book!

Netoly Speedtest Result

Create a test link, send to the host, we handle the rest!

Test upload and download with different payloads.

Boil complex stats down to what matters.

Is the network laggy or unstable?

If allowed: where was the test run?


Good internet is more than just fast download – which most tests measure. The Netoly test checks the reliability of the network using a number of factors.

With the Netoly test, the host runs the test at their place, but you see the results directly.

Netoly is 100% free, no catch. Our mission is to  remove the uncertainty from your (& our) travel bookings. We’re also developing an advanced app-based test for those seeking complete certainty!

A host wont run your test right away, with an account you can be notified when the test has run, log back in and see the results.

Our test employs industry-standard benchmarks with open-source technology from CloudFlare, a leading network service provider. It conducts multiple uploads and downloads tests under various conditions, averaging the results for reliability. In short, it’s quite thorough. For added peace of mind, you might ask your host to run the test at different times.

Network conditions can change, so while a positive test result is reassuring, unexpected issues like network congestion could occur during your stay—just as they might at home or work. There’s also the chance a host might use a mobile data connection or a different Wi-Fi network for the test. Netoly checks the test’s location to mitigate this, but it can’t guarantee with absolute certainty that the guest Wi-Fi was used. If discrepancies arise upon your arrival, your saved benchmark in Netoly offers a factual basis to discuss any issues with your host. Note however that Netoly can only offer a snapshot of the network in a window of time – we cannot guarantee that this will be true of the network at all times, or even in general. 

For hosts, the stakes are high: a negative experience could lead to a damaging review, affecting their reputation and rental income significantly. Most hosts aren’t intentionally misleading about their internet quality; often, they’re simply unaware of the specifics. Improving their service with something as simple as a new router is a small investment compared to the potential loss of income from unsatisfied guests.

Send yourself a test to try!